Tukaj je! Poslovilna turneja, edinstvena priložnost, da jih še zadnjič vidite v živo. Eni največjih rock zvezdnikov vseh časov se pripravljajo na evropsko turnejo, prišli pa bodo v neposredno bližino, na Dunaj.
KISS – End of The Road World Tour
“All that we have built and all that we have conquered over the past four decades could never have happened without the millions of people worldwide who’ve filled clubs, arenas and stadiums over those years. This will be the ultimate celebration for those who’ve seen us and a last chance for those who haven’t. KISS Army, we’re saying goodbye on our final tour with our biggest show yet and we’ll go out the same way we came in… Unapologetic and Unstoppable,” so v maternem jeziku napisali KISS, ki obljubljajo nepozaben šov.
Kdaj? 29. maj
Kje? Wiener Stadthalle, Dunaj
Vstopnice? www.oeticket.com, koncerti.net
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