DISOUT: ‘Poleg glasbe drugih glasbenih skupin, nas navdihuje življenje samo’

Disout (foto PROMO)

Disout je poljska hard rock zasedba, ki predstavlja dolgometražni album ‘MIEN’. Z nami se je pogovarjal Artur ‘Artie’ Wozniak, bobnar in ustanovitelj banda.

Plošča vsebuje 9 skladb z močnimi riffi, izstopajočimi bobni, atmosferskimi kitarami in originalnim vokalom. Album govori o ljudeh, družbi in mnogih obrazih človeštva. Je posvetilo rock n’rollu, težki riffi in moderni zvok metala pa gredo z roko v roki. To je konceptualni album.

Disout – Artie

Album lahko poslušate na sledeči povezavah:
Naroči album



Disout – naslovnica


Darek Dolny (vokal)
Mateusz Simiot (kitara)
Jan Nowak (bas)
Artur “Artie” Woźniak (bobni)

Seznam skladb:

1. Blindness
2. Lullaby
3. Virgin
4. Our Desire
5. All of Them
6. Dissonance
7. Global Orphanage
8. Texture
9. Try to Convince Society

ROCKER.SI: Pozdravljen, Artur! Kako si? Kakšne je življenje te dni na Poljskem?

DISOUT: Pozdravljen! Skušamo ne obupati, tudi če nimamo koncertov. Še naprej ustvarjamo, vadimo in kmalu se bomo pojavili na spletnem festivalu. Sicer nam takšna pojavljanja niso pri srcu, ampak trenutno je to edina alternativa.

ROCKER.SI: Vaš opis na družbenem omrežju pravi, da ste “svež” band. Kako sveži ste v resnici?

DISOUT: Pod imenom Disout delujemo zelo kratek čas, to drži, kot skupina pa smo skupaj že kar nekaj let. Prej smo ustvarjali pod imenom TRT, ampak smo morali spremeniti ime zaradi nestrinjanj z bivšimi člani skupine. Poleg tega pa obstaja že nekaj drugih glasbenih zasedb s tem imenom, zato smo doživeli ponovno rojstvo z Disout.

ROCKER.SI: Ste že veliko preigrali skupaj? Kaj pa v tujini? V Sloveniji imamo dobro razvito metal sceno, morda bi morali razmisliti o obisku!

DISOUT: Seveda. Tudi preden smo izdali album, smo pogosto igrali v klubih in na festivalih s skladbami, ki jih lahko slišite na albumu. Težko nam je, ker ni koncertov, ki so naš glavni cilj. Zdaj, ko smo izdali album, si še toliko bolj želimo igrati v živo. Takoj, ko bo mogoče, bi radi obiskali Sloveniji! Bilo nam bi v veliko čas, da bi delili našo glasbo z novim občinstvom.

Disout (foto PROMO)

ROCKER.SI: Februarja ste izdali prvenec ‘MIEN’. Lahko poveš malo več o naslovu – kaj pomeni in kako se nanaša na skladbe? Kakšen je bil koncept, znotraj katerega ste ustvarjali, glede na to, da ste plošček opisali kot “konceptualni album’?

DISOUT: Ime albuma predstavlja odnos in obraz sodobnega človeka. O tem govori album. O nas. V tem pogledu je album konceptualen. To je zgodba o mnogih različih vidkih človečnosti.

ROCKER.SI: Kdaj je nastala večina skladba na albumu? Kako dolgo so nastajale? Katera ti je najbolj pri srcu in katere misliš, da bo naletela na najboljši odziv pri poslušalcih?

DISOUT: Večina pesmi je nastala eno leto in pol, preden smo šli v studio. Na vajah smo se dobivali na vsake dva tedna in na ta način smo delovali kar nekaj mesecev. Že takrat smo imeli dobro izdelano idejo, kakšen bo naš zvok na prvencu. Bilo je še pred pandemijo. Trenutno na vso moč promoviramo album, ampak nismo nehali ustvajati. Pripravljeno imamo svežo glasbo. Ne bi mogel izbrati posamezne skladbe, saj je vsaka zase posebna in unikatna. Vem pa, da veliko ljudi, tudi tistih, ki imajo radi močnejše zvoke, obožuje skladbo ‘Dissonance’. Ta sicer pokaže našo nežnejšo stran. Disout imamo namreč dva obraza – močnejšega in bolj reflektivnega ter razmišljujočega.

ROCKER.SI: Vodi me skozi proces izbiranja pesmi, ki so se uvrstile na album.

DISOUT: Kot rečeno, imamo pripravljenih že kar nekaj skladb, ki so nastale v obdobju ustvarjanja albuma, ampak smo se odločili, da določenih idej zaenkrat ne bomo uporabili. Določeni kitarski riffi ali večji fragmenti niso sodili v tak koncept.

ROCKER.SI: Večina vaših pesmi govori o ljudeh, družbi in mnogih obrazih človeštva. Kaj vas najbolj navdihuje pri ustvarjanju glasbe? Je trenutna situacija s COVID-19 dobro ali slabo vplivala na vašo kreativnosti?

DISOUT: Poleg glasbe drugih glasbenih skupin, nas navdihuje življenje samo. Glede na to, da je material nastal pred pandemijo, je zanimivo, da smo podzavestno pisali o stanju, ki zelo lepo opiše trenutno situacijo. Pred nami so težki čas, ampak se bomo borili naprej. Ne bomo odnehali! Promoviramo album, igramo, ko dobimo priložnost, in se trudimo najti rešitve.

ROCKER.SI: Imate letos kaj potrjenih koncertov? Pričakujete, da sploh bodo koncerti na Poljskem?

DISOUT: Med pandemijo smo imeli nekaj koncertov, ampak trenutno stanje pri nas je slabo. Bomo videli. Eden izmed prihajajočih dogodkov je spletni festival Metal Com Batata, kjer bomo predstavili našo glasbo. Datum festivala je 16. april, predvajal pa se bo na YouTubeu. Ampak iskreno rečeno – spletni festival ne more nadomestiti izkušnje igranja v živo. Ampak cenimo delo vseh teh ljudi. Vsi se trudijo po najboljših močeh in za nas iščejo rešitve.

ROCKER.SI: Kakšna so tvoja navodila za naše bralce – kakšen je najboljši način za poslušanje vašega albuma? Bi morali pred poslušanjem vedeti še kaj več?

DISOUT: Album lahko v celoti poslušate na YouTubeu! Če vam je všeč, ga lahko kupite na Amazon, Ebay in v mnogih drugih spletnih trgovinah. Digitalno je dosegljiv na Spotify, iTunes in drugih platformah. Ta album govori o vseh nas, ki se borimo in ne odnehamo v teh težkih časih. Skupaj nam bo uspelo! Poslušajmo glasbo in podprimo glasbeno sceno! Brez nas ne more obstajati! Ne pozabite – z nakupom albuma ‘MIEN’ podprete naš band in zagotovo vam bomo vrnili uslugo.

ROCKER.SI: Hvala za odgovore! 

DISOUT: Hvala tebi! Vse dobro ekipi Rocker.si in vašim bralcem!

*Angleška verzija intervjuja

ROCKER.SI: Hey, Artur. How are you? How is life these days in Poland?

DISOUT: Hi, Well, we try not to give up even though we can’t play gigs. We are still creating, playing  and soon we will appear on some online festival. We are not a fan of such initiatives, but for now there is no other alternative.

ROCKER.SI: Your description says you are a “fresh” band. How fresh are you really?

DISOUT: We’ve are playing under the name Disout for a short time, but as a band we’ve been playing for a few years now. We used to work under the name TRT in the past, but because of some misunderstandings with the previous guitarists and the fact that there are already several bands under that name, we have been reborn as DISOUT!

ROCKER.SI: Have you played a lot of shows? What about outside Poland? In Slovenia there is a strong metal scene, maybe you should consider visiting us! 

DISOUT: Yes of course! Even before the album was released, we played a lot of club and festival shows with this songs. It’s really hard for us without gigs. Now that we’ve released the album we’d like to play even more. And of course as soon as the situation allows we want to visit Slovenia! It will be a great honor for us to share our music with new audience.

ROCKER.SI: On 8th of February you released your first album – ‘MIEN’. Can you talk about the name of the album – what it means and how it relates to the songs? What was the concept behind the album, because you said that it is in fact a “conceptual album”.  

DISOUT: The name of the album means the attitude and face of contemporary man. And that is the point of this album is about. About ourselves. So, in this aspect it is a concept album. It is a story about many different aspects of humanity.

ROCKER.SI: When did you write most of the songs on the album? How long were they in the making? Do you have a favourite song and which song do you think people will love the most?

DISOUT: Most of the songs were written about 1.5 year ago before we went into the studio. We met for rehearsals every 2 weeks for a few months and created regularly. Already then we had an idea how our debut should sound. It was before pandemic situation. We are currently promoting the album intensively but we haven’t stopped creating. We already have some new music. I don’t have a favorite song because each one is unique in it’s own way. But I know that many people, even those who prefer more agressive sounds, like the song “Dissonance” which rather shows the softer side of the band. Generally Disout have two faces – strong and more reflective.

ROCKER.SI: What was the process like of selecting the songs for the album?

DISOUT: We have more tracks but during the period of creating the album we rather decided not to use some ideas, riffs or larger fragments of songs that didn’t fit the concept.

ROCKER.SI: You mostly write about people, society and many faces of humanity. What inspires you the most? Is the current situastion with COVID-19 good or bad for you creativity?

DISOUT: Besides the music of other bands, we are inspired by life. In the fact that the material was written before the pandemic, interesting thing is that we unconsciously wrote material that perfectly describes the current reality… The current situation is a hard time for us because we can’t perform gigs but we are fighting and not giving up. We are promoting the album, doing live sessions and trying to find some new solutions.

ROCKER.SI: Do you have any confirmed shows for 2021? 

DISOUT: During the pandemic we played a few concerts, but now the situation in Poland looks bad. We try to go on and on this example soon there will be an online festival Metal Com Batata where we will perform our music. Date of the festival is 16 April and transmission will be on YT. But to be honest it will never replace live gig. But we appreciate a job of those many people. Everyone is doing as best they can and looking to solutions like us.

ROCKER.SI: What are you instructions for out readers – which is the best way to listen to your album? Do you want them to know somethine before listening?

DISOUT: You can listen to the whole album on Youtube! You can buy it on Amazon, Ebay and many other stores. Digitally it is of course available on Spotify, iTunes and many other services! This album is a concept about all of us and about to not giving up especially in these difficult times.  So together, let’s enjoy the music and support music stage! Because with out us it can’t exist! And remember – buying our album “MIEN” you support our band and we will surely return the favor!

ROCKER.SI: Thank you for your answers!

DISOUT: Thank you and best regards for all Rocker.si team and readers!