BIFF BYFORD (SAXON): ‘A good riff doesn’t miss’
Saxon is a group that started its career at the same time as Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. Created a bunch of genre standards, but for some reason never reached the same popularity. During the […]
Saxon is a group that started its career at the same time as Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. Created a bunch of genre standards, but for some reason never reached the same popularity. During the […]
The Devil Wears Prada zasedba, na katero se lahko vedno zanesemo, ko pride do postavljanja novih mejnikov z njihovo glasbo. Njihov najnovejši EP z naslovom ‘ZII’ je bil izdan 21. maja letos pri Solid State […]
Disout je poljska hard rock zasedba, ki predstavlja dolgometražni album ‘MIEN’. Z nami se je pogovarjal Artur ‘Artie’ Wozniak, bobnar in ustanovitelj banda. Plošča vsebuje 9 skladb z močnimi riffi, izstopajočimi bobni, atmosferskimi kitarami in […]
George Murphy is an Irish singer-songwriter who first drew attention to himself with appearances on the show You’re a Star and the 3-time platinum record Dreamed a Dream (2004). Phil Coulter called him “the most exciting […]
Guitarist Michael Schenker needs no special introduction. He is the man who created the immortal ‘Lights Out’ and the concert album Strangers in the Night (1979) with the band UFO. He contributed the first original song by […]
In the music world, bands whose former members continue to play material they have created and/or performed in their former bands are not unusual. Thin Lizzy returned as Black Star Riders and The Dubliners “came […]
During their Decades: World Tour 2018 tour Nightwish also made a stop in Bratislava (in Incheba Expo-Arena; HERE you can see our concert review in Slovene). About two hours before their performance I had an […]
A little less than two hours prior Judas Priest’s performance (HERE you can read our concert report; in Slovenian language) on Slovenian metal festival MetalDays I had an honour to speak with the band’s guitarist […]
Just before the start of a new leg from Deep Purple’s The Long Goodbye Tour I had an honour to exchange some words [via e-mails] with Deep Purple keyboardist Don Airey. About his past, present and […]
Tik pred začetkom novega dela, kot kaže, poslovilne turneje zasedbe Deep Purple [turneja se je začela 30. maja 2018] sem imel čast pokramljati z bendovim klaviaturistom Donom Aireyjem. Iz začetne vljudnosti se je kaj kmalu […]
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