The Doors so najavili izid razširjene izdaje albuma Morrison Hotel, ki letos praznuje svoj 50. rojstni dan. Album Morrison Hotel: 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition bo vseboval novo remasterizirano LP in CD verzijo originalnega albuma ter bonus CD s številnimi neuporabljenimi studijskimi posnetki. Razširjena izdaja albuma bo na voljo tudi digitalno. Med drugim boste lahko prisluhnili tudi delovnim verzijam skladb
“Queen of the Highway”, “Roadhouse Blues” in priredbo R&B klasike “Money (That’s What I Want)”. Izdelek izide 9. oktobra.
Seznam skladb
Disk 1: The Original Album
1. “Roadhouse Blues”
2. “Waiting For The Sun”
3. “You Make Me Real”
4. “Peace Frog”
5. “Blue Sunday”
6. “Ship Of Fools”
7. “Land Ho!”
8. “The Spy”
9. “Queen Of The Highway”
10. “Indian Summer”
11. “Maggie M’Gill”
Disk 2: Mysterious Union
1. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take 1, She Was A Princess)
2. “Queen Of The Highway” (Various Takes)
3. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take 44, He Was A Monster)
4. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take 12, No One Could Save Her)
5. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take 14, Save The Blind Tiger)
6. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take 1, American Boy – American Girl)
7. “Queen Of The Highway” (Takes 5, 6 & 9, Dancing Through The Midnight Whirlpool)
8. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take 14, Start It All Over)
9. “I Will Never Be Untrue”
10. “Queen Of The Highway” (Take Unknown)
11. “Roadhouse Blues” (Take 14, Keep Your Eyes On The Road)
12. “Money (That’s What I Want)”
13. “Rock Me Baby”
14. “Roadhouse Blues” (Takes 6 & 7, Your Hands Upon The Wheel)
15. “Roadhouse Blues” (Take 8, We’re Goin’ To The Roadhouse)
16. “Roadhouse Blues” (Takes 1 & 2, We’re Gonna Have A Real Good Time)
17. “Roadhouse Blues” (Takes 5, 6 & 14, Let It Roll Baby Roll)
18. “Peace Frog/Blue Sunday” (Take 4)
19. “Peace Frog” (Take 12)