Angleška različica intervjuja z avtorjem še ene knjižne uspešnice o AC/DC. Slovensko različico intervjuja si lahko preberete TUKAJ.
ROCKER.SI: At first, congratulations for your second book about the AC/DC, ‘Bon: The Last Highway’ . Very informative and well-written book. What was the feeling after receiving it in physical copy? Some authors say that it is like seeing your newborn child?
JESSE FINK: Terror. You’re dreading finding a typographical mistake or a page that hasn’t printed properly. It’s almost like a parent’s anxiety in the delivery room of a hospital. When your child is born you don’t want anything going wrong. Then when you find out everything’s okay, you relax and can enjoy the achievement. But by the time the book has printed, mentally you’ve already moved on to other things. I don’t read my own books after they’ve printed. They just sit there on my bookshelf or I give them to my friends. I actually don’t own very many copies of my books.
ROCKER.SI: During our last interview (HERE), you said that this book is going to be your last AC/DC book. Since in the book is mentioned that you have intended to write a book about late Malcolm Young, I would like to ask you if you have changed your mind or is ‘Bon’ your last book about AC/DC?
JESSE FINK: This is my last book about AC/DC. I have nothing more I want to say or any more interest in their story beyond the Young brothers and Bon Scott. From 1974–80. For me, that is the heart of the AC/DC story. Real aficionados of AC/DC know that their best music was made during that period.
ROCKER.SI: Are there any Bon related stories that did not make a final cut? Can you reveal us any anecdotes that happened to you during the process of writing?
JESSE FINK: Yes, there was a really interesting story from a woman in Florida who was good friends with Bon and the rest of the band who was privy to their sexual escapades. She wanted payment for her story after she told me so I decided not to use it in the book. I don’t pay anyone for their stories. She told me she’d go out into the crowd and pick groupies for Bon. She said he was ‘insatiable’ but described him as dying all alone, a desperately lonely man who paradoxically was having all the sex he ever desired. All the sex in the world can’t make you truly happy and fulfilled. Love does. Bon didn’t have it when he died.
ROCKER.SI: Do you have any information about how did current and former AC/DC members receive your latest book – especially your heroin related theory?
JESSE FINK: I’m aware of a couple of former members making comments about the book but they haven’t read it so they can’t have much of an opinion. There’s a degree of self-interest involved with some of these guys, which is why some of them choose not to be interviewed in the first place. Some of them have a stake in perpetuating the Bon myth too, for a whole lot of reasons.
ROCKER.SI: What are your plans about the future? Can we expect you as a (co)writer of any, current or former, AC/DC member’s (auto)biography?
JESSE FINK: I’m researching a book set in Paris during World War II, nothing to do with music. I also have an idea for a travel book in Asia. They’re two possible projects. I have no intention of ever writing anything again on AC/DC.
ROCKER.SI: Would you dare to predict AC/DC’s future? Is it safe to expect an album with Axl Rose – because of Angus’s appearances and all the rumours?
JESSE FINK: No, I have no prediction other than they will finally release a greatest hits album of some description. The band is effectively over and whatever form it takes with Axl Rose or anyone else is not the AC/DC I love. AC/DC is a commercial brand now, like Kiss.